First Trimester Reflection: Week 0-3: In the beginning weeks, I had some trouble getting tools like Github and VSCode ready, and figuring out how to make everything work took a lot of time. I was almost failing in undertadning the most basic parts of coding like switching directories. I made mistakes like misnaming files and had a hard time showing Python code on websites without. But I was really happy to have a class that let me dive into computer science, letting me figure out if this is a field I would be interested in when I’m older. I worked on simple things like making a to-do list app, helping me learn more efficiently.

Week 4-7: Once I got past the early challenges, I started to feel more sure of myself and began working on my own projects and expadning on teacher given hacks. I enjoyed using the teacher given hacks, and even still remeber the hello world and emoji projects which allowed me to be able to learn more bacis like installing apis and changing things on HTML like color.

Week 7 marked the beginning of group teaching and our own special project. Week 8-12 (We’re in Week 11 now): During these weeks, I’ve been working on a project I really care about and teaching others. The car website we worked on really did a good job at showcasing different aspects of code we learned like API’s for the car data table, the changing background for frontend, and more. For teaching each others, we watched videos from the College Board and put together our own lessons. This made sure we knew the material since not only did we have to learn it but we had to teach it.

Overall, this trimester has really made me more excited about coding and making my own projects. I’ve gone from not knowing where to begin with my ideas to someone who can’t wait to work on personal projects, even when there isn’t much time. I’m really looking forward to the Thanksgiving break to keep working on my projects.