Plans Week 1:
Set Roles - Tim - Scrum Master Tanav - DevOps Sai - Frontend developer Aditya R - Backend developer Aditya D - Backend and Frontend developer
Split work - Tim - Work on blueprints and planning for the whole project so that we don’t waste time in or out of class. Aditya R - Work on creating a 360 car garage as a showcase for our project Tanav - Develop user login system so people and keep their cars to themselves Sai - Implement HTML header links and begin working on adding cars to database Aditya - Assist Tanav with developing user login system
Week One Reflection - Overall got lots of work done during week one. After review with Mort we realized we need to focus more heavily on backend and less on frontend.
Plans Week 2: Split Work - Aditya Ramesh - Create data models for cars, users, and reservation system. Tanav - Develop user login system and implement database to save reservations. Tim - Create a weekly blueprint and add more cars to the HTML database. Aditya D - Develop sysmem for users to keep their cars stored. Sai - Start working on car lisitings for website and create a background.
Week Two Reflection - Overall more of a work heavy week. After review with Mort, we can see that we are still working way too much on the frontend and need to focus on implementing backend to make it one smooth world, not two.
Plans week 3:
- This week needs much more focus on implementation of backed to frontend
- With certifications being available, focus on getting certified before anything
Split work - Tim - Create contact page with email system up and running Tanav - Allow frontend and bacckend to work seamlessly and implement one another with each other Aditya D - Work on car info database and searching for car info easy. Aditya R - Work on about me page adding links and adding cars to the vehicles section. Sai - Create new version of vehicles page so each viewer can have a custom experiance. Added email response for rent function.
Week Three Reflection - Overall much better week. Still not qualified due to having to make some pages look nicer and some backend implementation but overall much better than before and set ourselves up to qualify in the next week.
Plans Week 4 -
- As a group, we need to qualify for N@TM. This is an extremely important part of APCSP and the next step taken into being a more knowledgeable computer scientist. Monday - Added to API and got qualified! Tuesday - Add finishing touches such as blogs and adding to car info page Wednesday - Break Thursday - Final prep for N@TM Friday - Reflect on how we did at N@TM and prepare for next week